Profil Tun Abdul Razak: Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang Visioner

Tun Abdul Razak merupakan seorang pemimpin yang memainkan peranan penting dalam sejarah Malaysia. Beliau telah menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang kedua dari tahun 1970 hingga 1976. Razak adalah seorang tokoh yang terkenal kerana usahanya dalam membangunkan ekonomi negara dan memperjuangkan hak-hak rakyat. Biodata beliau menunjukkan bahawa beliau dilahirkan pada 11 Mac 1922 di Pekan, Pahang. Beliau juga merupakan bapa kepada Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang keenam, Najib Razak. Dengan ini, mari kita kenali lebih lanjut mengenai biodata dan sejarah yang mengagumkan mengenai Tun Abdul Razak. (Sumber Gambar: tun abdul razak)

Profil Biodata Tun Abdul Razak

Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein was the second Prime Minister of Malaysia, serving from 1970 to 1976. He was born on March 11, 1922, in Pekan, Pahang. Tun Abdul Razak came from a distinguished family, with his father being the Pahang State’s Chief Minister during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was greatly influenced by his family’s commitment to public service and pursued a career in politics to contribute to the development of his country.

Riwayat Pendidikan

Tun Abdul Razak received his early education at the Malay College Kuala Kangsar, where he excelled academically and in sports. He later pursued his higher education at the Raffles College in Singapore, where he obtained a law degree. Tun Abdul Razak’s education played a crucial role in shaping his leadership skills and his understanding of the challenges facing Malaysia.

Perjalanan Kerjaya

After completing his studies, Tun Abdul Razak began his career as a civil servant in the colonial government. He held various positions in the public sector, including District Officer, State Secretary, and Deputy Minister. His dedication and hard work caught the attention of the then Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, who appointed Tun Abdul Razak as the Minister of Education in 1955.

Fakta Menarik Biodata Tun Abdul Razak

Tun Abdul Razak played a significant role in the formation of Malaysia. He was instrumental in securing the country’s independence from British colonial rule and was a key figure in negotiations with neighboring Singapore. He also introduced the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1971 to address economic disparities among ethnic groups and promote national unity.

Prestasi dan Penghargaan

Tun Abdul Razak’s contributions to Malaysia were recognized both nationally and internationally. He received numerous awards and honors during his lifetime, including the Seri Maharaja Mangku Negara, the highest federal award in Malaysia, and the United Nations Environment Programme’s Global 500 Roll of Honor.

Username Media Sosial

As a prominent figure in Malaysian history, there are several social media accounts dedicated to sharing information and insights about Tun Abdul Razak. Some of the popular ones include @TunAbdulRazak and @TunRazakLegacy.


Tun Abdul Razak had a passion for sports, particularly golf and horseback riding. In his free time, he enjoyed playing golf with his close friends and family. He also had a love for music and was known to play the piano to relax and unwind.

Kontribusi Sosial

Tun Abdul Razak was deeply committed to social development and nation-building. He focused on eradicating poverty, improving education, and promoting unity among Malaysia’s multicultural society. His establishment of the Rukun Tetangga program aimed to foster community solidarity and address social issues at the grassroots level.


Tun Abdul Razak was a visionary leader who played a vital role in shaping modern Malaysia. His dedication to public service, commitment to social and economic progress, and ability to bridge societal divides made him one of the most respected leaders in Malaysian history.

Soalan Lazim dan Jawapan

Below are some frequently asked questions about Tun Abdul Razak and their answers:

Q: When was Tun Abdul Razak born?

A: Tun Abdul Razak was born on March 11, 1922.

Q: What is Tun Abdul Razak’s most significant contribution to Malaysia?

A: One of Tun Abdul Razak’s most significant contributions was introducing the New Economic Policy (NEP) to address economic disparities among ethnic groups and promote national unity.

Q: What were Tun Abdul Razak’s hobbies?

A: Tun Abdul Razak enjoyed playing golf and horseback riding. He was also fond of playing the piano.

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