Profil dan Biodata Adlin Aman Ramlie

Biodata Adlin Aman Ramlie merupakan seorang artis veteran yang terkenal di Malaysia. Beliau adalah seorang pelakon, penyanyi, dan juga ahli muzik yang telah menghiburkan penonton selama bertahun-tahun. Lahir pada 11 Oktober 1947, Adlin telah berjaya menunjukkan bakatnya dalam pelbagai genre seni, terutamanya dalam lakonan dan muzik. Beliau juga dikenali dengan watak-watak komedi yang membawa gelak tawa kepada penonton. Dengan pengalaman dan sumbangannya dalam industri seni, Adlin Aman Ramlie menerangi dunia seni Malaysia dengan kepandaian dan kreativiti yang tersendiri.
Biodata Adlin Aman Ramlie

Profil Biodata Adlin Aman Ramlie

Adlin Aman Ramlie, or popularly known as Adlin Ramlie, is a well-known Malaysian actor, singer, and comedian. He was born on August 17, 1955, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Adlin has carved a niche for himself in the entertainment industry through his unique acting skills and remarkable sense of humor.

Riwayat Pendidikan

Adlin Aman Ramlie completed his primary and secondary education in Kuala Lumpur. He showed a keen interest in performing arts from a young age, which led him to pursue a diploma in performing arts at a renowned institution. During his studies, he actively participated in various theatre productions and gained practical experience in acting.

Perjalanan Kerjaya

After completing his education, Adlin Aman Ramlie began his career in the entertainment industry. He made his debut in the film industry with his role in the movie “Pendekar Bujang Lapok” in 1971, which marked the beginning of his successful journey. Adlin’s exceptional talent in acting led him to play diverse roles in both movies and television dramas. He has portrayed various memorable characters that have entertained Malaysian audiences for decades.

Fakta Menarik Biodata Adlin Aman Ramlie

Aside from his acting career, Adlin Ramlie is also a talented singer. He has released several albums throughout his career, showcasing his melodious voice. Adlin is known for his ability to switch effortlessly between comedic and dramatic roles, proving his versatility as an actor. Moreover, he has also directed and produced a few successful films.

Prestasi dan Penghargaan

Adlin Aman Ramlie’s remarkable talent has been recognized and acknowledged by the industry. He has received numerous accolades and awards for his outstanding contributions to the entertainment industry. His dedication and passion for his craft have earned him a special place in the hearts of many Malaysians.

Username Media Sosial

Stay connected with Adlin Aman Ramlie by following his social media accounts:

– Instagram: @adlinamanramlie

– Twitter: @adlinamanramlieofficial

– Facebook: Adlin Aman Ramlie Official Page


Outside of his work, Adlin Ramlie has various hobbies that he enjoys during his leisure time. He is an avid reader and loves exploring different genres of books. Additionally, he is passionate about cooking and experimenting with new recipes. Adlin also indulges in outdoor activities like hiking and fishing to relax and rejuvenate.

Kontribusi Sosial

Adlin Aman Ramlie actively contributes to society through various charitable activities. He believes in using his influence to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Adlin has participated in fundraising events, charity concerts, and campaigns to raise awareness about important social issues.


Adlin Aman Ramlie is undeniably a prominent figure in the Malaysian entertainment industry. His exceptional talent, versatility, and dedication have made him a household name. Throughout his career, Adlin continues to entertain and inspire audiences with his exceptional acting skills and passion for his craft.

Soalan Lazim dan Jawapan

Q: Apa karya filem pertama Adlin Aman Ramlie?

A: Adlin memulakan kerjayanya dalam filem “Pendekar Bujang Lapok” pada tahun 1971.

Q: Apa hobi yang disukai oleh Adlin Aman Ramlie?

A: Adlin gemar membaca buku, memasak, serta melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti luar seperti mendaki dan memancing.

Q: Bagaimana Adlin Aman Ramlie menyumbang kepada masyarakat?

A: Adlin secara aktif menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti amal seperti mengambil bahagian dalam acara pengumpulan dana, konsert amal, dan kempen kesedaran sosial.

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